Now that is a problem we would all like to have - TOO MUCH GINSENG !
Is that really possible
I have never dried outside in a barn or out building, but that may work Ok. If that is the only place you have the space necessary you may have to give that a try.
I never use heat or sunlight or forced air on mine either but now I am not in any hurry for it to dry. If I was in a hurry (needed to sell it) I would use forced air and heat. You can get those little forced air heaters at Walmart or Lowes and some have thermostats, so you can set them on like 80 degrees.
With the amount of ginseng you have you may need 3 or 4 of those to give the airflow and heat you want.
In my case I do use some old window screens, and I do think that is really good for it - increases airflow around the roots. But mine is just dried inside at room temp 72-74 with low humidity, I don't turn it or mess with it at all, just leave it alone for 5 or 6 weeks and when I take it off - it is nice and dry and has good shape and color. Then I will store it in paper bags until I sell it or eat it.
The thing I would be concerned about in a shed or barn, would be humidity - especially say for exmaple if you have it out there drying and it comes a 3 or 4 day rain outside. The humidity inside the barn or shed could jump up significantly.
I guess you could use a combination of de-humidifier, and forced air heaters, to help if that was the case.
Perhaps it will stay dry and you will not have any problems. I hope so - hope it all drys perfectly.
Best of Luck !