Maya you got a realy good sale on those big roots and im sure that with the kind of seng that you dig that your overall lot was still very good all thouh you took those big ones out.
When you can do that it makes it better,for example now me as a dealer I would rather have those big roots that you are speaking of than the ball roots and for a pd of root that big i would pay more than 100 extra a pd also,but rather they are bulby or big is both realy good so long as it doesnt hurt the overall sell of your roots.
Me and you are amoung the few that have good enough digging all season to come out with a good overall sale even if we take a few of the roots like that out,but not everyone has that good of seng in there areas.
I knew a guy that seperated his last season and when he went to sell the lot no one would buy it including me because he had hurt the overall crop to much and the left over of about 4 pounds was all slack I felt sory for him,but I couldnt resale it and come out.
I think that the guys in my area that know me like me as there dealer the way that they do because when they bring me there entire lot I know how to do it and help them and not hurt it to where it hurts the main lot of weight.
In short I go over it and pay them for there real good root as if it where brought to me seperated and then pay them for what is left for the going price and then add that amount together for them and once we have the total I buy it.I then pour the two sets of roots back together and I still have the same lot untouched from that digger.
This way it doesent hurt me when I go to sell to my buyer either.
I have had many in the past two seasons to tell me that I am the only dealer that has ever done that for them.I had another dealer not to far from me in my area to actualy call me and tell me that I didnt need to do that,but I told him that he should buy his root from his diggers and I would buy my root from my diggers,but I wasent rude to him just let him know that this is my business and I will run it the way that I want to.
Being a digger myself for many years makes me know and understand what we go through as diggers and even though we love what we do any way it isent fair for us not to make a fair share of the prophet from our haul of the ginseng.
The guy that I mentioned that hurt his lot to bad to buy I exsplained that to him and he told me that from now on he would just bring his lot to me,and that realy will be better for him.I wish that all diggers could find a dealer in there area that is fair with them like that.I have friends in Tn: & Va: that wanted me to get license in there states for this very reason.If you can find the right buyer guys you want have to cut out the middle man,but everyone is not that fair or honest,but I wish all of my fellow diggers the very best price for there ginseng every single season.
maya wrote:Lat I got $160 more per pound for those big roots I posted. I've sinse been offered a lot more than that if I get some again for fresh green roots. You've got to find a way to cut out the middle man!